Business / Published October 17, 2024

Empresas Copec issues its first Green Bond for UF 4 million

The Company successfully completed its first placement of two series of green bonds in the Chilean market, for a total amount of UF 4 million (approximately US$163 million).

The first issuance was AH series for UF 3 million with a 20-year maturity, a placement rate of 2.98% and a demand that reached 1.84 times the amount offered. The second issuance was AG series for an amount of UF 1 million with a 10-year maturity, a placement rate of 3.09% and a demand that was 2.32 times the amount offered. The bonds achieved a spread of 73 and 74 basis points, respectively, being the lowest of the year for corporate placements, demonstrating the high interest from the market.

“Empresas Copec is committed to the development and promotion of sustainable investments and businesses, with a long-term vision and aligned with its purpose: to shape the world for future generations. In this context, this bond issuance is in line with our objectives as a Group and with our sustainability strategy and goals, as it considers equivalent investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, among others. We are also very pleased with the positive response we had from investors, which demonstrates the confidence that the market has placed in the Company,” said Rodrigo Huidobro, Chief Financial Officer at Empresas Copec.