Innovation / Published February 5, 2024

Copec-UC Foundation opens R&D to Innovate contest

Applications are now open for the innovation contest aimed at projects related to natural resources and energy.

The winners will receive up to 4,000 UF (a unit of account used in Chile) in a first two-year round, with the possibility of accessing additional financing in a second phase for another 4,000 UF.  The winning teams will also receive specialized consulting in commercial management and business models, as well as in intellectual property and regulatory aspects.

“In Copec-UC Foundation we aim to support and accelerate R&D projects of high potential impact, so that they can be transferred to the productive sectors for which they are intended, both in Chile and abroad, and thus generate a relevant value contribution,” said their executive director, Alfonso Cruz.

The final deadline for applications is Wednesday, April 3rd.