Acknowledgments / Published May 8, 2024

Empresas Copec leads Merco ESG ranking as Chile’s most responsible holding company

In the 2023 version of the Merco ESG ranking, the Company was recognized among the 100 leading companies in Chile in sustainability, heading the Corporate Holding category. In addition, among all the companies at national level, it was ranked 15th in the ESG ranking, up four positions compared to 2022.

Empresas Copec subsidiaries were also highlighted in the Merco responsibility monitor. Copec led the Energy and Distribution category and was ranked 11th in the overall ranking. Meanwhile, Abastible and Arauco ranked 35th and 67th, respectively.

“Our corporate strategy is focused on the long term, seeking to consolidate a profitable business that in turn generates a positive impact on the environment. Our goal is to continue promoting best ESG practices, thus contributing to shaping a more sustainable world for future generations,” said Marianne Haramoto, the company’s Director of Sustainability and Corporate Affairs.

Watch below the video in which the executive thanks for this important recognition.