Business, Innovation, Sustainability / Published November 28, 2019

Terpel enters the world of electric mobility

With the opening of its first electric charging point, the subsidiary of Empresas Copec announced that, in this first phase, the first of six trunks will be interconnected. It is in the Bogotá-Medellín route, which will have charging points every 100 to 120 kilometers and is expected to start operating during the first quarter of 2020.


“Our strategy in new mobility responds, like all our decisions, to what the consumer requires. We understand that adaptive capacity and speed of response are key elements to lead the future. We will continue working to be a unique network of stations, capable of offering our customers the energy they require,” Sylvia Escovar, chief executive of Organización Terpel, said.


The announcement was made during the opening ceremony of the company’s first electric charging point, located at the Báscula station (Siberia), which was attended by the President of the Republic, Iván Duque, the Minister of Mines and Energy, María Fernanda Suárez, the Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Lozano, and the Vice Minister of Transportation, Juan Camilo Ostos.


“Colombia takes a historic step. The electric mobility revolution began and today it becomes more possible and more alive thanks to the example that Terpel gives,” the President of the Republic, Iván Duque, said during his speech at the event.


With the announcement, Terpel marks its entry into electric mobility and becomes the first fuel distribution company in Colombia that offers in its stations charging service for electric vehicles, in addition to providing gasoline, diesel and NGV.


The Bogotá-Medellín connection will be followed by other trunks that will reach Santa Marta, Barranquilla, Cartagena, the Cundiboyacense highlands, Girardot and Cali. Terpel’s goal is to close 2020 with 30 charging points for electric vehicles, distributed throughout the country.