January 29, 2025
Empresas Copec leads progress in Third Diagnosis on Business and Human Rights in...
In the seminar “Business and Territories: Strategies to identify and manage impacts on Human Rights in changing environm...
Both subsidiaries were distinguished with the National Customer Satisfaction Award, which is based on five indicators: general satisfaction with the brand, satisfaction based on price, experience of problems, intention to recommend and intention to remain or repurchase. This year, Pronto Copec ranked first in the “Minimarkets” category and Abastible in “Gas Medidor”.
The study, conducted by the Praxis consulting firm and the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, recognizes every year the major brands best evaluated by their customers. For this purpose, a structured telephone survey is carried out from January to December for each of the 134 service brands in the country. In this way, the INSC (National Customer Satisfaction Index) measures their overall performance, and not just a particular period affected by communication actions or specific events.
Regarding the distinction received, Nicolás Rostagno, CEO of Copec subsidiary Arcoprime, said: “At Pronto Copec we are proud to have been recognized by our customers with this award. This further reinforces our commitment and encourages us to continue improving day by day to deliver an enriching experience to all people who live on the move.”
Catalina Navarro, Assistant Manager of Customer Experience at Abastible, said: “For us, customer satisfaction is an essential pillar, because it gives meaning to our work, guiding the company’s work to contribute to their quality of life. This recognition is a response to the effort that our team delivers every day to bring energy and heat to homes and businesses across the country.”
For more information, click here.