January 29, 2025
Empresas Copec leads progress in Third Diagnosis on Business and Human Rights in...
In the seminar “Business and Territories: Strategies to identify and manage impacts on Human Rights in changing environm...
The Company was considered one of the three best rated companies in the country in terms of corporate governance. Promoted by EY and the Santiago Stock Exchange, “La Voz del Mercado” is a survey of directors, investors, intermediaries and analysts, among other opinion leaders, to “take the pulse” of how they perceive the quality and governance practices of organizations listed on the Santiago Stock Exchange.
Eduardo Navarro, CEO of Empresas Copec, thanked the award and reiterated that it will continue to strengthen its governance structures, which are the basis for business development based on transparency and dialogue. He also pointed out that it represents an incentive to always remain “at the forefront” and move towards a “sustainable future that brings well-being to all”.
“La Voz del Mercado” rates companies under five pillars: business strategy, control environment, transparency, fair and equal treatment, and sustainability management. In addition, it identifies the main focuses to be addressed by boards of directors in the context of the country’s current situation. Along with Empresas Copec, Banco Santander and Viña Concha y Toro also received awards in 2021.