Sustainability / Published February 19, 2023

ARAUCO joins firefighting efforts in affected areas of southern Chile

In order to fight the fires affecting the regions of Maule, Ñuble, Biobío and Los Ríos, ARAUCO has deployed 1,300 professional forestry brigades, duly trained and equipped for firefighting, as well as 700 forestry brigades.

In addition, it has 89 fire trucks, 30 runways and helipads, 11 air tankers, 17 tankers and brigade transport helicopters, 4 heavy helicopters, 3 coordination planes, 18 skidders, 2 bulldozers, 130 detection towers with automatic cameras, fire detection satellites, 3 detection centers, in addition to the support of national and international specialized companies. This team has been deployed in coordination with the country’s authorities.

In the area where the fires are located, ARAUCO has approximately 40,000 hectares of productive forest plantations potentially affected. The final level of damage can be determined when conditions allow for a more accurate assessment.