January 30, 2025
ARAUCO to invest nearly US$60 million in fire prevention and firefighting strate...
The subsidiary unveiled its “Comprehensive Fire Prevention and Firefighting Strategy 2024 – 2025,” whose main focu...
On October 24, the eighteenth version of the traditional event was held, with climate change and strategies to address it as the central theme. The event was led by Roberto Angelini, president of Empresas Copec and Fundación Copec-UC; and Ignacio Sánchez, Rector of Universidad Católica and vice-president of the organization.
As every year, the Seminar was attended by leading local and foreign specialists. International speakers included Robert Amstrong, Director of the MIT Energy Initiative; Tomas Nauclér, Global Sustainability Leader at McKinsey; and Ursula Oswald, former Environmental Minister in Mexico and researcher at the Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research at Mexico’s Universidad Nacional Autónoma. Sebastián Vicuña, director at UC’s Global Change Center, represented our country.
During the event, Roberto Angelini said that “the climate crisis requires generating social energy to deal with it. This will only be feasible if we make of this cause a cross-cutting and multisystemic cause. It is a matter of implementing the best State policies that contribute to this global cause, as well as promoting chains of actions that start at the individual level, at homes and extend to the country as a whole”.
Regarding the private sector’s role, he added that “at Empresas Copec and its subsidiaries we have made commitments and implemented tangible and effective actions in the fight against climate change. This, from an approach in which solutions based on nature itself and innovation have a central role in the challenge of reducing emissions by half by 2030 and reaching Net-Zero by 2050”.