Sustainability / Published May 10, 2023

Orizon and USS sign agreement to move towards energy efficiency

The subsidiary entered into an alliance with the School of Engineering, Architecture and Design of Universidad San Sebastián (USS) to continue developing initiatives related to energy efficiency and productivity. There are currently three projects with the institution: “Route to carbon neutrality”, “Energy efficiency in the fishing fleet” and “Modernization of production reporting.”

Fernando Ayala, Operations Manager of Orizon, said that “towards 2025 we have a strategy whose core is sustainability, in which we are committed to leading nutrition from the sea, which undoubtedly entails a great responsibility.”

This agreement will run through 2023 and will be led by Orizon professionals, such as Camila Vásquez, head of Environment, Karl Klattenhoff, head of Energy Management System, and Luis Caro, head of Production Management and Control.